Commercial Painting Service in Little Rock, AR
Business License: #811362326 • Insurable Amount: $2,000,000 • Contractors License: #0442460724
Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Residential • Commercial • Painting Contractors
get the job done
C. J. Ellis
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How Can Brush & Pride
Benefit Your Company?
Company Culture
Have you ever had a bad experience with a subcontractor?
At Brush & Pride, we value our business relationships and industry partners. Our mission is simple: we aim to make every project with us a positive experience. Care. Paint. Repeat. One of our core values is to constantly improve and grow. We do what we say, we do it well, and we stand behind our work.
Comprehensive Bidding
Expect transparent, detailed, and comprehensive bids ensuring clear understanding of the cost breakdown allowing for informed decisions regarding investment.
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Timely Completion and Team Commitment
We understand the importance of meeting deadlines with minimal disruption to business operations. Brush & Pride is known for our ability to work efficiently without compromising quality. Tight schedules, night crews, we strive to complete every project on schedule, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for our clients.
Adherence To Safety Guidelines
Brush & Pride is dedicated to maintaining the highest safety standards throughout every project. Our painters receive ongoing training on best practices, ensuring the well-being of both our team and your employees. We strictly adhere to OSHA safety protocols and regulations to ensure a safe and clean work environment at all times.