
Brush and Pride Painting of Little Rock

Commercial & House Painting Professionals

in Little Rock, Arkansas and Surrounding Areas

Hiring Experienced Painters

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Color Consultations

Book a Free Virtual 30-minute Color Consultation with a Sherwin-Williams Color Consultant.



For Homeowners, each interior repaint and kitchen cabinet refinishing project comes with our Lifetime Warranty which includes the One-Time 2 Year Touch Up Service when using specified products. You're in good hands. Learn More

Thank you for considering Brush & Pride Painting for your project. But what truly sets us apart from the rest?

A step-by-step guide to the project process

from start to finish

The next job(s) we have in the future we will always reach out to them for a quote. It is SO refreshing to find a company that not only isn't afraid of work but also DELIVERS with excellent service!” ~ Edward B., Maumelle, AR

The Most Trusted and Referred House Painters in Little Rock, Arkansas and Surrounding Areas.

we aim to make every project

with us a positive experience.

our mission is simple





Your Trusted Residential House Painting Experts in Central Arkansas

Brush & Pride Painting proudly serves homeowners within a 30-mile radius of Little Rock. Not sure if you’re within our service area? Reach out—we’d love to hear from you!

At Brush & Pride Painting, we’re here to bring comfort and quality to every corner of your home or business. Proudly serving Little Rock, North Little Rock, Maumelle, Roland, Conway, Sherwood, Benton, and Bryant, our professional services are designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Whether you’re looking to revitalize your interiors, transform your exterior, restore kitchen cabinets, or give your property a deep clean with pressure washing, we’ve got you covered. Explore our full range of services and let us help you create a space you’ll love!


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